Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Wednesday Morning, Convention Day 2

I am continuing to especially enjoy the convention. This year’s convention has helped me to grow in the conviction that I need to do more to the church where God allows me to serve more involved.

It was refreshing to me to hear Morris Chapman's address yesterday. Hearing some of our strong leaders who have worked diligently to set a good course for our convention helps me to believe that as we seek a greater level of cooperation that we won’t sell ship. It is a healthy day in the SBC when we can take on difficult issues, debate them openly and then cooperate whole heartedly together even when our ideas and opinions do not prevail.

Wade Burleson posted a blog prior to the convention about the Big Leagues and there certainly appears to have been maneuvering on some of the issues. The more I am involved with organizations, the more I understand the necessity of great leadership and what some would call politics. I long for a great statesman to arise within our convention who can be heard clearly when he speaks. In listening to the speakers yesterday, it seems as though Morris Chapman and Mac Brunson may have those capabilities.

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