Tuesday, June 12, 2007

SBC Day 1

SBC Convention Day 1 Morning

As I reflect on yesterday’s events I was reminded of the good spirit that seems to prevail among the messengers. I remembered how another blogger commented about the younger group attending the preaching sessions of the conference while many of the older messengers could be found visiting in the halls. This reminds me that the older I grow, the more I value friendships and the more I realize that a very important part of the annual convention is the meetings that take place in the halls.

I woke up thinking about the old friends I saw again yesterday and the new acquaintances as well. I thought about my friend Joe Stewart and how men like Joe encourage me about the future of our convention. His heart for evangelism is evident in his daily life. He refused the tracts from those encouraging us to use them in San Antonio because sharing Jesus is so much a part of life for him that it just appears in normal encounters with others. I believe his current studies in the emergent/ermerging/missional church will be of great benefit to those who share his heart to reach the Pomo generation. Joe is extremely bright, humble and articulate both in verbal and written communication.

I even wonder who I will see today that I did not see yesterday.

I was able to squeeze in a little sermon preparation this morning before the convention begins and to write this blog over breakfast. I will return to my hotel room and upload the post before making my over to the convention hall to join by brothers and sisters in Christ as we seek the touch of the Holy Spirit in leading the Southern Baptist Convention.

Some disdain politics yet it is the term we use to describe the shaping and moving of organizations by those who are willing to engage the necessary activities to bring about progress and change. No organization under heaven is perfect and therefore they all require maintenance and revision. I welcome all involved in the process especially those with whom I disagree. I know I will disagree with some who bring motions and resolutions today yet I thank God for their contributions to thought and dialogue. Their thinking invigorates my thinking and sometimes changes my mind. May God be glorified today at the annual meeting of the SBC.

Feel free to respond to this post but be aware that at the current time moderation requires my approval before it will actually be posted. I will change this when I get a little time to be online and figure out how to change the setting. I apologize for this inconvenience, it is just a bit difficult to teach an old dog new tricks.

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