Monday, October 29, 2007


I have made it to Amarillo and found the registration booth at the Amarillo Civic Center. It has been 13 years since attended an event and my how the place has grown. The parking lot we used in 94 is now another building. I dropped by the Amarillo Livestock Auction where I used to buy and sell cattle and found it had changed as well. Gone are the Monday crowds and a parking lot full of trucks to haul cattle back to the ranches. Where once upon a time they would sell 10 to 15000 head per week, I understand they now sell only 3 to 4 thousand now. The registration total at 12:15 was 1756 and it looks to be far short of the numbers from 1994.

My first impressions have been interesting. At the registration desk we were given a goody bag two times the size of last year's bag. As I walked through the exhibit hall I realize why. The marketing team from the BGCT has done a remarkable job of supporting the East Texas timber industry where I now reside. The ballots we are to use in the business meeting are a full 8 1/2 x 14 so we will be easily spotted while voting yes or no.

Missions is the theme for this convention and disaster relief is well represented. Texas Baptist Men have an incredible ministry in this state and DR trailers are all over the parking lot and in the exhibit hall. This ministry has carried the Gospel around the world through humanitarian aid in times of crisis.

I saw a couple of interesting booths in the exhibit hall. LifeWay has been granted a place yet I failed once again to find that Southwestern had been given the privilege. Of course the Smith Helwys booth and Baptist Way press booth were both much larger than the LifeWay booth. I saw the evangelism booth and looked for my friend Jon Randles who is now the team leader for the BGCT in evangelism. I will pray that Jon and staff will find success in returning an emphasis on evangelism to the BGCT.

Our first meeting is just a few moments away and nominations for officers are likely to be presented during this session.

1 comment:

Aaron L. said...

You won't find any of the SBC seminaries at the BGCT. Their invitations were recinded in 2003 when they chose to defund the SBC seminaries.