Sunday, September 30, 2007

John 4:1-14 Rising Expectations

The following are notes I made some years back in preparation to preach from John 4. They aren't fresh out of the study but will fill my blog with something not previously posted. Any spelling or gramamtical errors reflect the fact that they are actually only notes for personal study and have not been edited.

John 4:1-6

As you read these verses can’t you anticipate the unfolding drama as it continues? More people were following Jesus than were following John, Jesus was on His way back to Galilee, He had a reason to go through Samaria, and He is now resting at Jacob’s well near Sychar. If this were a movie or a TV show I am sure the camera would highlight the tired look on Jesus face. We would see the heat of the Middle East. Perhaps there would be a flashback to the digging of the well in Jacob’s day to excite our anticipation by jogging our memory. Clearly in our minds is the reality that has been proclaimed, this man at center stage has come to bring others life. Each encounter with this man by others results in a decision bringing life, or remaining death. Daily Jesus intersects each of lives yet without expectations of meeting Him; we often hurry right past Him without a second thought. Often we never grace the pages of His book, we neglect our prayer life, and we can’t seem to find the time for personal worship. Could it be we, like the Samaritan woman, have no expectation of meeting Jesus today?

John 4:7-14 Tradition

The camera would certainly be zooming in for a close up for the reaction of this Samaritan lady as Jesus spoke to her. I would expect to see a bewildered look of amazement and at the same time a glimmer of curiosity to be seen in her eyes and perhaps in her smile. As she rose for the day and carried out her many tasks, she probably never imagined that a Jew would ask her for a drink. But here He is, as big as life, seeking to carry on a conversation with a lowly Samaritan. By tradition, maybe she should ignore Him and walk away. Maybe she should respond with a sharp tongue and say no. She could justify some straightforward words reflecting past years of mistreatment and hate between the Jews and Samaritans. It is often difficult to pinpoint when and why traditions are started and even more difficult to change or even operate in a realm just outside them without feeling like a traitor or being condemned by the status quo. Jesus continually challenged people to go beyond their traditions and make sure of the security of their relationship with Him. That relationship is daily tested as we interact with others. Can we not only be cordial but also sacrifice and share with others in love as we take the Gospel to them? Can we lay aside political party differences if they cause us to not love someone else? Can we lay aside race differences? Can we lay aside socio economic differences? Are we willing to help those who won’t help themselves?

John 4:7-14 Understanding

Not only was this Samaritan amazed that Jesus would even speak to her, she was also confused by His words. She was darkness seeking to comprehend the light. Jesus spoke of an eternal stream, which would spring up inside of her if she believed she sought water that would quench her physical thirst. Many of our common problems stem from spiritual problems. Bitterness, unforgiveness, and anger can cause physical and mental problems. These are spiritual problems first and they become physical and mental. That does not mean every physical or mental situation we encounter is set up by the spiritual, but many are. The Bible says they lead to death. If we accept the Bible as truth, we must accept these teachings as well as the ones that tell us calling upon the name of Lord will assure us a safe passage into glory. This lady's understanding of Jesus was confused by her need to meet the daily necessity of water for her physical body. Jesus was actually promising the indwelling of the Holy Spirit that would spring up to meet the spiritual needs of those who believe. Even Christians today, have a hard time grasping the truth that Jesus has given us a well springing up with love, joy, and peace (fruits of the Spirit). Instead we often want to feel dissension, sadness, and turmoil. Maybe we are taking some of life to seriously or maybe we lack faith that God is at work in the midst of the situation. Would you pray that today God would open your eyes to understanding?

John 4:15-30 Sin

Confrontation makes great drama. In the movies we sometimes watch and the TV shows that invade our homes, confrontation is often at the center. In this way the creators draw us into the story line and piques our interest holding our attention in order to keep us there until they can present us with a product through an advertisement. Jesus confrontation was abrupt and gives evidence of the ingredients high drama is made from. On the surface the issue is a husband. At the base is the problem this lady has with making and keeping relationships. Her spirit is being fed by the sensual or sensationalism. As the excitement around one relationship has died out she has sought another. Perhaps her emotions have been on a roller coaster and she, like most of us, enjoy the height of the experience and do not want to go through the low. Somehow she has been discontent with one man so she has gone to another until in her current male relationship she has avoided the legal commitment. Jesus confronts the sin and she realizes He is more than a mere man. The sin separated her from God. By her response we assume the barriers separating her from God are removed. What a joyous occasion. Today might just be a great day for you and me to approach God and ask Him to reveal any sin in our life that separates us from Him.

John 4:20-30 Worship

Life is rather ironic when something we normally do to enhance our relationship to God actually serves as a barrier to keep us in the dark concerning His presence. That seems to be the picture concerning Jewish worship versus Samaritan worship and the place in which it took place. The Samaritans had the Holy Mountain while the Jews had the temple. The Samaritans accepted the first five books of the Old Testament while the Jews accepted the writings of the prophets as well. How easy it is for us to fall into the same trap. The buildings we build, the organizations we set up lay that trap, and even the songs we sing. Jesus cut through it all saying you shall worship in spirit and in truth. The worship must come from the heart. With your entire being you must love God and in all of life your motives must be true. In such a frame of mind and heart, true worship will pour out from the soul whether you are in Jerusalem, Samaria, the church, or alone in the quietness of your home. Seek today to let your spirit worship God throughout your activities.

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