Monday, September 17, 2007

Are secular politics invading SBC blogville?

It has been going on for months now, savvy political leaders have been trying to figure out who will run for president of the United States on the opposing party’s ticket, and then proceed to turn up dirt to prepare for an all out attack. It is a nasty game and the one who now runs for political office pays a dear price because the status quo is one of public smear.

Since the San Antonio SBC of 2007, many have speculated that Al Mohler will be nominated for president in 2008. No official announcements have been forthcoming. To my knowledge, Mohler has neither agreed nor ruled out allowing his name to be placed in nomination. In the land of SBC blogville, various bloggers regularly blog of what they considered to be an obscene response to the so called Garner motion. On other occasions his leadership has been seriously called into question publicly. There may be no connection between the political maneuvering of the blogger group and what appears to be an attempt to discredit a candidate prior to his decision to be nominated. What, no maneuvering you say? Hasn’t this group publicly taken responsibility for Dr. Page’s election? Of course, the same can be said of those in secular politics who are employing the same tactics. Are some already campaigning negatively toward the 2008 convention? Will future SBC presidential candidates face the same kind of politicking we are currently experiencing in US politics? May God save us!

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