Thursday, September 13, 2007

Bloggers and Witchcraft

What is the difference in being rebellious and taking a firm stand on convictions? The answer to that question is a very serious one to a biblical conservative. 1 Peter 2:13-17 explains that we are to live in submission to every human institution. Using our exegetical and hermeneutical skills we quickly compose a list of exceptions to this imperative. But from the Old Testament we have a stronger word in 1 Samuel 15:23, “rebelliousness is as the sin of divination.” At the same time, we applaud John the Baptist who called out those in authority because of their immoral lifestyle. Was John being rebellious or taking a strong stand on convictions?

This question is important today because of what goes on in the name of Christianity. It is important because over the years Christians have refused to do many things in the name of biblical teaching. Some have refused to serve in the military and others have refused to pay taxes. Some clergy have opted out of social security on religious grounds. Some have killed abortion doctors who were operating legally.

This topic is important to me for two reasons. First, I am preaching through 1 Peter and this was my text last Sunday morning. Second, tasks and time have kept me away from the blogs for the last several weeks. I have been able to read a few but my response time was limited and my posting time was zero. After reading a few blogs I realized about all I missed was the 7/11 chorus, seven words sung 11 times. The discussions were the same, the respondents the same, and probably no one convincing anyone else of the error of their ways. What I did notice is that a few bloggers on each side of SBC issues appear to be sincere in what they are writing and why they are blogging. Others appear to simply be rebellious. I do remember Jesus words about judging and so I offer my words today as mere speculation based on outward appearance.

If our blogging or responding to others is in rebellion, it is simply sin. No, simply is a somewhat shallow concept. It is like witchcraft. That is much more serious than simple. The conclusion is this; a rebellious spirit is of the devil. It is fed through a channel that reaches straight into the pits of hell. How could I ever claim it to be simple?

As I prepared to preach this Scripture, I was reminded that Paul was standing on conviction when he preached the Gospel and went to jail. His response was not one of picket signs and protests. He and the others broke out in a hallelujah chorus while in chains. God shook the place, received tons of glory, and saved a whole household. Is there a connection between rebellious spirits and declining evangelism? Purely conjecture? May all our blogs be of firm convictions given by the Holy Spirit and void of rebelliousness.

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